Rhea Rajashekhar P4 Popcorn Hacks 3.7
weather = "sunny"
transportation = "available"
boots = "not present"
water = "brought" # New Variable
sunscreen = "applied" # New Variable
print("The weather is " + weather)
print("Your transportation is " + transportation)
print("Your boots are " + boots)
print("Your water is " + water)
print("Your sunscreen is " + sunscreen)
if weather == "sunny":
if transportation == "available":
if boots == "present":
if water == "brought" and sunscreen == "applied": # New Conditionals
print("You are fully ready to go hiking!")
print("Make sure to bring water and apply sunscreen.")
print("You need to find your boots first.")
print("You need to arrange transportation.")
print("It's not good weather for hiking.")
Python homework hack 1
weather = "sunny" # Can be "sunny" or something else
sunscreen = "have" # Can be "have" or "not have"
snacks = "enough" # Can be "enough" or "not enough"
if weather == "sunny":
if sunscreen == "have":
if snacks == "enough":
print("You are ready for the beach!")
print("You need to get more snacks first.")
print("You need to buy sunscreen.")
print("It's not a good day for the beach.")
python homework hack 2
at_least_18_yrs_old = True
at_least_50_sqr_ft = True
possible_pet_care = True
if at_least_18_yrs_old:
if at_least_50_sqr_ft:
if possible_pet_care:
print("You can adopt a pet!")
print("You must be able to make time for the pet.")
print("You must have a bigger home.")
print("You must be 18 to adopt a pet.")
# python homework hack 3
weather_clear = True
have_running_shoes = True
ten_days_of_practice = True
if weather_clear:
if have_running_shoes:
if ten_days_of_practice:
print("You are ready for the marathon.")
print("You need to practice more.")
print("You need to buy running shoes.")
print("It is not the right time for a marathon.")
%% js
// popcorn hack 1
let weather = "sunny";
let transportation = "available";
let boots = "not present";
let water = "brought"; // New condition
let sunscreen = "applied"; // New condition
console.log("The weather is " + weather);
console.log("Your transportation is " + transportation);
console.log("Your boots are " + boots);
console.log("Your water is " + water);
console.log("Your sunscreen is " + sunscreen);
if (weather === "sunny") {
if (transportation === "available") {
if (boots === "present") {
if (water === "brought" && sunscreen === "applied") {
console.log("You are fully ready to go hiking!");
} else {
console.log("Make sure to bring water and apply sunscreen.");
} else {
console.log("You need to find your boots first.");
} else {
console.log("You need to arrange transportation.");
} else {
console.log("It's not good weather for hiking.");
%% js
// popcorn hack 2
let living_room_available = true;
let projector_working = true; // Changed from false to true
let enough_snacks = false; // Changed from true to false
if (living_room_available) {
if (projector_working) {
if (enough_snacks) {
console.log("You're ready to host the movie night!");
} else {
console.log("You need to get more snacks. Ideas: Popcorn, Candy, Soda");
} else {
console.log("You need to fix or replace the projector.");
} else {
console.log("The living room is not available for the movie night. Find another room!");
%% js
// homework hack 1
let hasMaterials = true;
let quietPlace = true;
let isTired = false;
if (hasMaterials) {
if (quietPlace) {
if (!isTired) {
console.log("You are ready to study!");
} else {
console.log("You should take a nap or rest before studying.");
} else {
console.log("You need to find a quiet place to study.");
} else {
console.log("You need to gather your study materials first.");
%% js
// homework hack 2
let hasFlour = true;
let hasEggs = true;
let hasSugar = false;
let ovenWorking = true;
let timeAvailable = 2.5;
if (hasFlour && hasEggs && hasSugar) {
if (ovenWorking) {
if (timeAvailable >= 2) {
console.log("You can start baking the cake!");
} else {
console.log("You need to find more time to bake and cool the cake.");
} else {
console.log("You need to fix or replace the oven.");
} else {
let missingIngredients = [];
if (!hasFlour) missingIngredients.push("flour");
if (!hasEggs) missingIngredients.push("eggs");
if (!hasSugar) missingIngredients.push("sugar");
console.log("You are missing the following ingredients: " + missingIngredients.join(", "));
%% js
// homework hack 3
let weather = "clear";
let hasTent = true;
let enoughFoodAndWater = false;
if (weather === "clear") {
if (hasTent) {
if (enoughFoodAndWater) {
console.log("You are ready to go camping!");
} else {
console.log("You need to pack more food and water.");
} else {
console.log("You need to buy or borrow a tent.");
} else {
console.log("It's not a good time for camping due to the weather.");